Wind Tunnel Testing-

  • Has there been any after market wind tunnel testing of the Slingshot. Did DDM do some testing? As I look for information regarding the exhaust fumes in the cockpit there are lots of ideas but no definite answers. My local University has a small wind tunnel but I would need a model to scale of the Slingshot. Their wind tunnel is 14" wide and 14" long. So has anyone taken the time to model a SS. Does this exist out there? Does anyone have a file where I could 3-D print a slingshot? Our Federal Government has a full size wind tunnel that they will partner with companies making the product in exchange for use of their wind tunnel( I am sure it is a bit more complicated than that as it is government).

    The other low cost option is to tape plastic streamers to all different parts of the car and ride down the road with a buddy following doing the Go-Pro.

    I am thinking of trying roadog1aj D-mod but don't understand exactly how it works and how to push the air from the "Side Kick exhaust away from the SS.