Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • Believe it or not I am actually feeling sorry for the Democrats. They have absolutely no idea what they’ve gotten themselves into. My faith comes from every single time they have come up and after Donald Trump they have always worn their ass for a hat. How many times do you have to touch the stove before you realize it’s hot?

    Right left or center, thinking Americans I believe know this is a sham. Why not adopt all the rules from the Nixon impeachment that Hillary was so involved in hummmmm? Oh yeah that’s right that would be fair.

    I hope the Democrats brought a big lunch. Donald is hungry.

    We’ll get there when we get there and not a minute before. 😎

  • So where do us middle-of-the roaders fit here? All I see is two arch-rivals slogging it out... ;)

    welcome to our discussion - long time no hear. You might think me and WOLF are arch rivals but we really aren’t - we just love breaking each other’s balls. Lookin forward to buying him a ribeye and fine Kentucky bourbon one of these days (if he ain’t a tee toting vegan which is possible 😂😂). Feel free to make a middle of the road comments - a lot of us are more middle of the road than you would think from the comments. Everybody really needs to move to the center more - there just aren’t any candidates that meet that criteria to support.

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • I love debating. I also stick around here because I know you like debating Bill. It is fun for me. The best part for me is when I'm congratulated for my performance by being called a liberal. Oh, and when I speak my conservative thoughts and they don't even get a "like", because I've been so convincing in my role that it comes off as sarcasm. I may not give you guys my full view and opinion on things, but I give you want you need.:* I've told you many times, and I meant it, this thread would be so boring if I didn't spice it up for you guys.

    "Hillary needs to be locked up"

    "Yeah, she's the devil"

    "Lock her up"

    (Lock her up meme)

    "Democrats are the worst"

    "Yeah, Democrats are the worst"

    "They need to be locked up"

    (Democrats all locked up meme)

    "Trump is the best President ever"

    "Yeah, Trump is the best"

    "They will never lock him up"

    (Meme of Trump sticking out his tongue)

    "Witch hunt"


    "Witch hunt"


    .....but in a totally non sheepish way.


    I try not to offend anyone, not that anyone here could get offended. It's not like anyone here is an easily offended, upset, angered or annoyed little snowflake. Am I right men!?

    ...and now, back to our show.:)

  • welcome to our discussion - long time no hear. You might think me and WOLF are arch rivals but we really aren’t - we just love breaking each other’s balls. Lookin forward to buying him a ribeye and fine Kentucky bourbon one of these days (if he ain’t a tee toting vegan which is possible 😂😂). Feel free to make a middle of the road comments - a lot of us are more middle of the road than you would think from the comments. Everybody really needs to move to the center more - there just aren’t any candidates that meet that criteria to support.

    Vegan!? Now you've gone too far Bill! Uh, Not that there is anything wrong with being vegan.;)

  • Don’t me and WOLF just make ya all warm and fuzzy like

    Matthew on right 😂😂. Seriously though we have been talking politics since 2016 and we have never insulted or belittled each other’s for our stance. If a couple of slugs like us can debate and still be friends at the end of the day - why can’t our leaders do the same??? I know your not as far left and I am not all the way right either - nobody will get all they want politically speaking IMO.

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • welcome to our discussion - long time no hear. You might think me and WOLF are arch rivals but we really aren’t - we just love breaking each other’s balls. Lookin forward to buying him a ribeye and fine Kentucky bourbon one of these days (if he ain’t a tee toting vegan which is possible 😂😂). Feel free to make a middle of the road comments - a lot of us are more middle of the road than you would think from the comments. Everybody really needs to move to the center more - there just aren’t any candidates that meet that criteria to support.

    Heya Mr. Bill!

    Oh no, it's not you two that are the's the respective political alignments I see here, just as I see them everywhere today. There is no allowance for moderates, or even moderation, in today's climate...which is a shame because we middle-roaders likely outnumber the extremists at each end of the spectrum. A two-party system is designed to keep society in a state of essential suspended animation where converging upon actualities and realities is concerned. It's a time-proven method of control. There will be no compromise, for to reach out and embrace is perceived as weak and disloyal. This has always been the case, at least since other competing parties were worn away over a century ago, but it's never been so evident as today.

    A shame, really. Sure puts a dim glow on the "United" part of USA.

  • Don’t me and WOLF just make ya all warm and fuzzy like

    Matthew on right 😂😂. Seriously though we have been talking politics since 2016 and we have never insulted or belittled each other’s for our stance. If a couple of slugs like us can debate and still be friends at the end of the day - why can’t our leaders do the same??? I know your not as far left and I am not all the way right either - nobody will get all they want politically speaking IMO.

    We do very well sir. Me being on the right is laughable, you are correct. It's as laughable as is me being on the left. I've been honest from the beginning. I vote both ways for Presidents, Senators, Congressmen, Governors... I vote for individuals. I don't fear either party or believe either is out to destroy America. Both sides want things that I think are good for the country. I know that things I hold dear won't be taken away by either party because their opposing party will fight tooth and nail to keep them((R)"persist" or (D)"resist"). That is why I can without hesitation vote for who I like.

    I bounce between The Patriot radio station, CBS News radio during most days. I bounce between FOX, CNN and MSNBC most nights, news and pundits. I do my very best to understand both sides of most topics.

    I admit I once used my vast input to cause my Father-in Law to damn near have a heart attack from anger and frustration. That was the last time I weaponized my understanding of both sides.

    He is a straight ticket Republican who watched Bill O'Reilly and listened to Rush Limbaugh religiously and took all their rhetoric as his own beliefs. I too watched O'Reilly and listened to Rush, but far from exclusively or religiously. Well, we were debating and there it was. He was speaking his "own" wisdom and it was verbatim what Rush had said that day. Well, I cut him off and finished his recital, then rebutted "his belief". His face got an inch bigger in diameter, blood red, veins popping out from his neck and forehead and he started loudly rambling incoherently, spitting, coughing and breathing very heavy. My wife said no more politics when him and I returned home and he was still red and breathing heavy ten minutes after the blowup. To this day and that was 10 years ago, we rarely even touch the subject.

    Years prior to that incident: My wife is pretty much a straight ticket Democrat. She says she's not, but I think she thinks voting for a Republican University board member counts as voting for both sides. I have used my understanding of both points of view against her before as well. She reads articles in newspapers, magazines and her IPhone news feed. She rarely watches the news on T.V.

    Her arguments could have been verbatim like her father's were, but I wouldn't know because I didn't read the same articles. I can say they aligned perfectly with Liberal pundits, which like her father made her easy prey. Set 'em up and knock 'em down. I only had a couple debates with her. I informed her of her misconceptions in a dickly adjacent manner. She would get pissed, storm off and turn what originally felt like a win into a big loss. It only took me a few debates with her before she asked that we not talk politics. We would watch "The Daily Show" and laugh at the political jokes together and that was good. I knew not to interject on points that were skewed, but would anyway in a subtle manner that was less offensive. With her I now only do the, "That's correct, but the other half of the story is..." Oh, and I almost forgot the classic, "Your side does the same thing. Remember when __xxx__ did/said that, yeah, pretty much the same".

  • See there Bill Martin , He can learn the TRUTH:00008040::00008040::00008172::00008172::00008356::00008356:

  • THAT EXPLAINS IT !!! You have to live in the demilitarized zone :00008172::00008172: My in laws passed and my bride quit listening to me years ago... political and marital bliss...

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • Well we have reached another new low. The movement to impeach a duly elected President almost strictly along party lines. I think this is a dangerous precedent going forward. Fortunately there is not a chance in hell it will make it through the Senate so this is all political because the Dems are terrified they cannot beat Trump. Does that mean the next time that EITHER party gains control of the House & Senate if they don’t like the President he will be out on his ass no matter how the people voted? The Dems keep beating their chest shouting they are protecting democracy. IMO they just drove another nail its coffin 😩😩

    232 People are deciding that we the people made a mistake in electing our President. I read that 59% of the American People are against Impeachment. If I were one of those 232 Democrats I would be afraid for my life.

  • 232 People are deciding that we the people made a mistake in electing our President. I read that 59% of the American People are against Impeachment. If I were one of those 232 Democrats I would be afraid for my life.

    Pay close attention - you are witnessing the complete collapse of the Democrat party. You can tell your kids you were there. JFK would not be allowed in the building at any DNC affair. Sad.

    We’ll get there when we get there and not a minute before. 😎