Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • I open up my phone this morning to 2 big news stories. Minneapolis rioting and Biden’s appointee for CBP. They aren't releasing much on the shooting. So, never hearing of this Magnus guy that is headed to be CBP head, I did a search. First search was Google. It brought up several stories detailing his experience in several states. I then used DDG for a search. It brought up the stuff that should be the main topic (and would be if he was a conservative)... he has been in a couple of high profile lawsuits. One is a sexual harassment suit from a male officer. Another is from a woman who was the victim of sex trafficking and claims he looked the other way while officers who worked for him used her. Is this the BEST person that could be found for such a high position?

    2016.5 Pearl White SL LE

  • I open up my phone this morning to 2 big news stories. Minneapolis rioting and Biden’s appointee for CBP. They aren't releasing much on the shooting. So, never hearing of this Magnus guy that is headed to be CBP head, I did a search. First search was Google. It brought up several stories detailing his experience in several states. I then used DDG for a search. It brought up the stuff that should be the main topic (and would be if he was a conservative)... he has been in a couple of high profile lawsuits. One is a sexual harassment suit from a male officer. Another is from a woman who was the victim of sex trafficking and claims he looked the other way while officers who worked for him used her. Is this the BEST person that could be found for such a high position?

    Now, I'm worried. That reads like a T**** appointee resume.

  • Let’s take a walk through one our fine Democratically run cities...

    This is the truth, there is no lie or sugar coating. When I worked in Philadelphia I would exit the city just about a mile or two north of this area. This area was also shown on the national geographic channel drugs inc. My belief is that many of the cities including Philadelphia have been trapped into this life to the point it's their form of survival both physically and monetarily. The addiction is so strong that the people themselves do not want change. In other words the people are being controlled.

    This is Philly's Mayor and his priority just two years ago.

  • COMMIE.....


    QUICK GET YOUR SHOT......we need the money.....

    they are a for profit outfit.....they will tell you anything for their benefit....they don’t care about you....just your money.....sounds like the Democratic Party......

    now some words from our democratic leader....

  • The CDC is a government agency under the Department of Health & Human Services. That’s why their website is

    I see the .gov fooled you....I wonder how many others fell for it....

    the head of the Chinese owned WHO....isn’t even a Dr. no medical background..... I could take his place... especially if I was getting paid huge dollars to lie to the world...

    All ABOARD......

    hurry the train is leaving.....