Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • Sorry buddy - free speech is free speech - long as the argument doesn’t collapse into personal attacks. Everybody tries to feed ya shit and call it ice cream from time to time

    You have to remember, the left doesn’t give a damn about the constitution...

    Slingshots: making children out of adults since 2014

  • I am very sad to see for our country what is going in Washington DC today. This kinda crap has gone on most of last year by the left. Now the right appears to be storming the White House. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Where does it go from here?? Are we truly on the cusp of a violent civil war ?? If folks on both sides don’t let cooler heads prevail and civil discourse return what other outcome could it be? Our country is crumbling right before our very eyes !!

    What would this hero say about America today after all the mud and blood he fought thru to defend it?? If I was him the words would not be very kind. This is no longer a liberal/conservative or Rep/Dem issue - there is plenty enough SHAME to go around. Arguing over who is more shameful is just BULLSHIT !!! None of these people who resort to violence are honorable to me at all - LOCK EM UP if they break the law — PERIOD !!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • ANTIFA put out a statement the other day saying they were going to be there dressed as trump supporters... they would wear their hats backwards to identify each other...

    and I’m sure antifa doesn’t want trump to win so they wouldn’t want to be in DC today? I’m betting there are no members of antifa within 3000 miles. They are on vacation in Bermuda...Nancy’s paying for it.

    Ya know... I wish, for the sake of you having some resemblance of sanity , that that was true...

    Like if Trump was truly smart, he would've planted the fraud and cheating so he could be proven right... Prove himself right. Like, get ahead of it. Pull an Ocean's Eleven...

    Sadly no...


  • All of those protesters are antifa? You believe that.

    You are officially the dumbest human alive.

    Is there anyone on this forum willing to defend what is going on in Washington DC?

    please see my above response - don’t care who it is - ITS WRONG !!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • Protesters running thru the Capital building.

    Thanks to trump, we are now officially a third world nation.

    Shame on him and anyone who continues to support him. Shame.


    So Commiefornia bringing back diseases from the middle ages didn't do it...

    Detroit having all their jobs sent to China and turning their once thriving city into a war torn middle eastern country didn't do it...

    Democrat run cities occupying the top murder spots in the US didn't do it....

    Antifa and America's most beloved Nazi collaborator George Soros and their riots for years didn't do it...

    But Trump did it. Got it.

    So shame on people that support Trump. How about those murdered, their lives destroyed by leftist protesters? No? No shame for democrats that looked the other way?

    How about those that call for decriminalizing border crossings which have been a haven for sex trafficking? No? No shame for democrats that ignore this inconvenient fact?

    Hypocrite much? Yes.

  • for BD you have to spell it like the Führer to make sure he understands 👍😂

    Do not resent growing old. Many are denied.... The Privilege :REDSS: :SUPERCHARGERSS: : :HEADERSS: : :COILOVERSS: Wycked hitch

  • Liberals cried and said Trump cheated
    Conservatives laughed
    Liberals protested and rioted when they didn't get their way
    Conservatives laughed
    Liberals pouted and said "He is not my President"
    Conservatives laughed

    And now

    Conservatives are crying and saying Biden cheated
    Liberals are laughing
    Conservatives are protesting and rioting because they are not getting their way
    Liberals are laughing
    Conservatives are pouting and saying "He is not my President"
    Liberals are laughing

    And through it all the only group that has been happy and laughing the entire time is the elite political class

    They laugh because they know that anything that can keep us divided only serves to make them stronger and more powerful

    The only way we will ever drain the swamp is when we finally realize and truly accept that "our side" is just as much a part of that swamp as "the other side" - - and you cant drain a swamp if you only try to drain one side


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  • Interesting. You condone over running the US Capitol.

    Every great power has crumbled from within.

    We are watching the beginning of the end, thanks to your favorite President.

  • A disgrace. Being witnessed by the entire world.

    You sir are a comedian.

    Democrats fighting Trump every step of the way was ok.

    Democrats making up charges against Trump was ok.

    Democrats accusing Trump of what Biden confessed to was ok.

    Democrats looting and rioting for years was ok.

    The world watching the greatest country on earth becoming venezuela with rampant voter fraud is ok.

  • I am very sad to see for our country what is going in Washington DC today. This kinda crap has gone on most of last year by the left. Now the right appears to be storming the White House. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Where does it go from here?? Are we truly on the cusp of a violent civil war ?? If folks on both sides don’t let cooler heads prevail and civil discourse return what other outcome could it be? Our country is crumbling right before our very eyes !!

    What would this hero say about America today after all the mud and blood he fought thru to defend it?? If I was him the words would not be very kind. This is no longer a liberal/conservative or Rep/Dem issue - there is plenty enough SHAME to go around. Arguing over who is more shameful is just BULLSHIT !!! None of these people who resort to violence are honorable to me at all - LOCK EM UP if they break the law — PERIOD !!!

    This is why I love ya... No matter your party affiliation...

  • No Liberal stormed the Capitol Building.

    Stay proud.


    No proof.

  • Interesting. You condone over running the US Capitol.

    Every great power has crumbled from within.

    We are watching the beginning of the end, thanks to your favorite President.

    I do not condone but understand. There is a difference.

    Your second statement is spot on and 3rd half right.

    Democrats didn't expect to lose in 2016. They expected Hillary to be crowned their new god. Then Trump happened. They didn't expect Trump, they weren't prepared.

    They weren't going to let that happen again. They put together a voter fraud plan that will be the envy of every tip pot dictator.

    We are watching the beginning of the end. With Biden in charge and democrats in control of both houses has proven that fraud is a valuable tool to attain and keep power. Today my vote no longer matter and soon yours won't either.


    No proof.

    This reminds me of a phrase:

    "If you want to anger a conservative, lie to him. If you want to anger a liberal, tell him the truth".

    I've presented to you LITERAL VIDEO EVIDENCE of votes being switched on live television and your response is "no proof".

    I've come to believe that liberals appreciate being lied to if it conforms to their world view and you are proving me right.

    BTW Nazi's were socialists; it's in the name, like democrats.

  • One difference. Democrats had zero evidence. They were lied to by their media.

    You are correct about the elite political class.