Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • If the left had their way they would settle political disagreements with conservatives by...

    and use your own firearm on you IF Beto O Rourke has the balls to take it from you !!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • I know voter suppression and voter fraud are two different things.

    I guess, if your perception is they are the same, then you perceive me as being wrong.

    I understand that, Ones perception is not necessarily reality, but ones perception is their reality. Therefore, I will stop arguing facts with you.:*

  • Right!? Bicycle helmets, motorcycle helmets, seat belts...wait, wrong line. Those are to protect yourself.

    Here we go...

    As a smoker, I am totally with you Tripod . Who gives the government the right to tell me I can't kill others with my second hand smoke. Does it even kill them or even make them sick? I should still be able to smoke where I want, when I want. Fuck your feelings pussies. Go somewhere else or stay home if you don't want the "sickness and/or death" I exhale. If you don't like the smell/chance of death wear a mask(optional).:00008172::00008356:

    Actually as a courteous smoker, I never smoked inside places before the bans. I also distance and gauge wind direction when outside with others.:*

    I hope one day people will understand that masks are to protect others, not yourself. Most masks or face coverings won't stop Covid. They will limit the distance it travels from talking, breathing and coughing. That alone has been proven to greatly reduce the spread of Covid.

    Over 100k a day are getting Covid now. Yes, some of that higher number is from more testing. More testing doesn't account for the increase in hospitalizations and deaths. Increased hospitalization and deaths are proof that more cases are really more cases and not just more tests.:/

  • Ya know what I have found uniform about liberals? They always start with the premise that they are correct in all things. That somehow if “the great unwashed” could miraculously just realize how smart they are we would all be better off. It frustrates them in their eyes that conservatives are just too stupid to realize how smart they are.

    I know this because I have them in my family. Yes! A few have snuck in under the wire 🤭 They blurt out their options/ subjects then immediately say “but we’re not gonna talk about this because it’s too controversial” and then shut down any rebuttal or possible conversation.

    It’s actually become quite amusing. 🙂

    I tell my wife all the time that I don't have to be right. I happen to be right. Grant you I read, watch, listen to smarter people and do a lot of things. So my odds of being wrong are really low. Unless it is spelling, right Tripod :)?

    I find that both sides don't like debating with better informed people. I try not to talk down to people, but will very much hit back at the same level, very often with the same words.

    You know I don't shut down, walk away or say it is to upsetting. I do, very much, use kid gloves and pull my an effort to allow conversation to flourish and not trigger defensive shutdown mechanisms. Yeah, "Psychology for Dummies" there.;)

    I know many Democrats and let me correct a misconception so you can be more correct next time.

    You said: "It frustrates them in their eyes that conservatives are just too stupid to realize how smart they are".

    What frustrates them in their eyes is, "conservatives are just too stupid to realize how stupid they are".;)

  • I know voter suppression and voter fraud are two different things.

    I guess, if your perception is they are the same, then you perceive me as being wrong.

    I understand that, Ones perception is not necessarily reality, but ones perception is their reality. Therefore, I will stop arguing facts with you.:*

    I think they are different also... but many do not.. Bro, I get that you want to defend what appears to be your belief and that is fine with me.. But you write as though you "know" all and understand all when in reality (mine anyway) you are just defending a position. Since you say you read... I thought you might like this... it will give you something to think about possibly outside of your box.…Handout_CBA_revised-1.pdf

    When the going gets tough.... Downshift.

  • Wrong Georgia.


    Spread crazy somewhere else.

    and you think it makes a difference what city it was in? It was in an American city that should be the take away. Radicals burning and looting were allowed a free pass. Nonviolent protestors were treated like the criminals. That’s crazy liberal thinking.

  • there are dangers for first hand, second hand, and third hand smoke. By deliberately polluting the air around me you violate my rights to breathe clean air without worrying you’re going to kill me. You already know the dangers From cigarette smoke so by continuing your actions you are willingly, negligently trying to hurt others around you.

  • how many are dying daily from second hand smoke?

  • and you think it makes a difference what city it was in? It was in an American city that should be the take away. Radicals burning and looting were allowed a free pass. Nonviolent protestors were treated like the criminals. That’s crazy liberal thinking.

    Dude, it was in a different country. They were protesters... what we deem to be peaceful may not be the same in another country... Don't get sucked in by the media labeling them as peaceful to try and incite thought.

    When the going gets tough.... Downshift.

  • there are dangers for first hand, second hand, and third hand smoke. By deliberately polluting the air around me you violate my rights to breathe clean air without worrying you’re going to kill me. You already know the dangers From cigarette smoke so by continuing your actions you are willingly, negligently trying to hurt others around you.

    Dude, I get what you are saying... but there are dangers from pot smoke, but states are making it legal to smoke.. There are dangers from automobile exhaust.. but most everyone drives... There are dangers from chemicals yet we all dump them down the drain (toilet cleaners and such) and pesticides on our food. Our Air was so bad here this summer that they said it was like breathing 5 cigarettes a day... but not like smoking 5 joints a day.. anyway

    When the going gets tough.... Downshift.

  • I've looked into this. I cannot find a reliable source.

    While some type of watermark is a possibility; after all every check is encoded with magnetic ink, seems odd.

    It's sad that Trump did this to himself. Had he just kept quiet a little more and not seem so crazy, more professional and respectful, while still being tough, he could've easily been reelected.

    There is literally nothing he could have done on that end. While the hate directed against him has been historic, the press has never been honest about a Republican. They can't. Being a democrat is their religion.

    Bill, you were right on! The vote for Biden, is "Who do you hate more". Trump is not for the American People and their well being. He had shown that he can not handle an emergency, the Covid-19 pandemic. He has told us all kinds of false information, downed our medical experts and told us the virus was a hoax in the beginning.

    You are being WAY harsh. Early on; before democrats considered it a issue he barred travel from China and had been consulting on various treatments.

    It was unfortunate that the press and social media decreed every word coming from Trump was invalid and must be silenced and/or censored.

    I don't know how anyone could be happy for electing another corrupt politician. We're right back to where we started 4 years ago. As long as my 401k keeps growing I will be content.

    The minute Trump concedes; my Sling will be up for sale. I adore that vehicle but absolutely nothing on the biden platform is good for the economy. I expect growth to slow down and then decline. I want to keep myself financially nimble.