Gifts from SS friends

  • so are these forums getting the SOG name?

    Nope. is THE place for info. You can't find more info about Slingshots anywhere else on the web. The Slingshot Owners Group is a separate non-for-profit corporation. You can think of us as what HOG was when it was first created. A place to go where you can find out where the info is, where the best innovators are, where the owner vendors are, where the best places are to ride, where owners matter not profits, where you can attend events without spending an arm and a leg, where those events make it possible for the small owner vendors to attend without spending more than they can make, a place to purchase one-of-a-kind Painter limited edition pieces .... and so much more as membership grows

    Over the next few days/weeks we'll start a thread dedicated to SOG so we can introduce our mission, vision, and board of directors

  • Better than a knife. A not-for-proft organization that puts owners first, promotes information, truly supports owner vendors, and organizes affordable events

    Sounds great, I was simply stating the "Slingshot Owners Group" branded knives were already available. Sorry if you misunderstood.

  • Well, I don't even know where to start on this so here goes. My family held a memorial service yesterday for my mother who passed peacefully and mercifully on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Please don't feel the need to express your condolences here, that is not the purpose of this thread or this post. Mom lived a long and highly productive life as a parent and educator, pioneering relentlessly and successfully for women's rights in collegiate sports, coaching tennis, serving on committees and boards for countless organizations, and even making a presentation to the Olympic Scientific Congress in Seoul, Korea in 1988. She also successfully raised (maybe semi-successfully in my case) two teenage boys after my father's untimely death when my brother and I were 12 and 13 years old. She had been suffering from declining health for a period of years and her body simply wore out. It was her time and I'm blessed to have had her as my Mom for the 58 years of my existence.

    The service was at 11 am, a reception followed and we wrapped that up about 2 pm. My wife, Sara, and I returned home with my best friend of 40 years and his partner, who flew out from Idaho Falls, to show them our house and property that they had not yet seen. We grabbed an overnight bag and headed down to the local Hilton for a Celebration of Life with about 40 of my extended family members who had flown and drove in from many states, as far away as Virginia, and a number of our closest friends. We enjoyed a buffet dinner, wine, beer and drinks starting at 5 pm and continuing past 2 am, laughing and reminiscing over decades of stories.

    That is the context. This is the reason for posting it here and now: While we were at home between the 2 functions, the FedX driver pulled into the driveway and brought a large box to the front door.

    Sara says to me, 'Of course, more Slingshot stuff.' I tell her, 'No, I don't have any Slingshot stuff on order.' She just smirks - a highly developed skill after 31 years with me. The return label offered no clues so I opened the box. I was totally dumbfounded to see a brand spankin' new pair of Velocity Sport seats, the next major mod on my list after a 2,800 mile trip to Slingfest in Alberta, Canada this summer. I did not buy these seats.

    Ha! she says, no Slingshot parts, eh? Then she saw the look on my face. I'm not sure what it was but she immediately asked, 'Who sent you those?' I told her honestly, 'I have NO idea!' I had commitments and no time to react so off we went to our family and celebration.

    Well, I returned home today after breakfast and prolonged goodbyes, with unanswered questions and a couple of prime suspects here on this forum. After making my phone calls and genuinely enjoying the squirming and denial from those individuals, I have to report that it is undeniably evident from my investigation that the responsible parties are a large number of you here at that chose to participate in this gift, and that there were others who were willing and able, but maybe just a little late to the party, to which I say, 'WTF? What did I ever do to get this kind of attention?' I am not the kind of person that people do things for. With, frequently. To, occasionally. But not For. I am truly humbled by this gesture, and if your intention was to lift a guy's spirits while he is experiencing a higher than normal level of stress and angst, you couldn't have timed it better! I thank each and every one of you, whomever you are, and I now have a much stronger appreciation for the 'pay it forward' philosophy and attitude that dominates this forum which, by the way, is not a 'thing' or an 'entity' but rather is a living organism that is the cumulation of all involved. I also thank rabtech for starting and maintaining this community and everyone for letting me participate in spite of my meager contributions, most of which are inane comments and weak attempts at humor.

    Well that was a lot of words for a guy that was at a loss for words a day ago but it needed to be said. I wish everyone a beautiful holiday season, a better new year, and please understand that I am not in pain. I am at peace. Peace to all of you.


    Remember folks - this isn't a rehearsal, this is The Show!8)

    Edited once, last by SlingLow ().

  • I thank each and every one of you, whomever you are, and I now have a much stronger appreciation for the 'pay it forward' philosophy and attitude that dominates this forum which, by the way, is not a 'thing' or an 'entity' but rather is a living organism that is the cumulation of all involved.


    I remember when you joined about a year and a half ago, and I remember one of your first posts. You mentioned that you usually didn't fit in with forums, and we all appeared to be like a bunch of old friends that had known each other for a long time. I replied that was what I'd thought when I joined too, but when I jumped in (only a year before you did) that the wonderful group here just took me into the fold like I was one of them. So glad you stayed, and thankful for all the things you do here to make things better for the members. Not only the luggage racks, the rear covers, and the grills, but also your willingness to help if you can, and perhaps the most important.... your sarcastic humor! I'm thankful for this place (Thanks rabtech ) and all the great people that make it what it is! I feel very blessed just to be part of it!

  • so now you can order all the Slingshot mods you want without suspicion from your wife ..... truly the gift that keeps on giving

  • I'm in love Bonnie's P-nut Butter Fudge!!!!!!

    I one DER where it could have come from?!?!?!?!

    If Bonnie ever needs a place to run away to - somewhere, I don't know, somewhere were she can be kept in all of the p-nut butter fudge making ingredients she could ever want ..... well I know a place in Wisconsin she can stay

    Just in case we've never met, I am built like a super model - super sized that is. I'm a petite 3XL who enjoys short walks on the beach and has an incredible weakness for peanut butter sweet treats.

    Thank you so much Bonnie!!!! I wonder if it will last a few hours until Karianne gets home?

  • Merry Christmas & Enjoy

    By the way she loved your post :)