Manufacturer / Reseller feedback

This doesn't really have to do with my build, but something that I feel passionate about and wanted it out there to be referenced and discussed.

To all of our manufacturers out there and those that resell those products. Many of the items you are making are unique, but there is some competition in some of the spaces and guaranteed if you don't have competition now, if you have a good idea, there will be competition in the future.

Business 101 tells us that you should have good customer service, and part of that is having detailed and good instructions on installation, use and troubleshooting of the product.

I'm not going to call out the product/manufacturer in this article, but I recently received a product in, a mod that goes into the dash, and it literally had a single page, with one picture and two sentences on the install. It was a bad photo copy or bad print and looked like something a 12 year old would make. The product itself seems to be well made, but I have no clue about how to install it without searching the forums. Could I figure it out, probably, I'm a technical guy, but why should I go the extra mile to figure out a product that I spent over $200 on???

So, for those of you who are lacking in the installation instructions department, step up your game! If I buy your product and the instructions are lacking, I'll let you know, ask for better, and I'll post a review on here. If you correct the instructions and make them publicly available, I'll note that in the review as an edit.

As consumers, we should be giving this feedback, and educating each other on the manufacturers that are giving great customer service.

To the resellers, evaluate the products that you are selling and give feedback to the manufacturers, help your customers make sure the product is easy to install with instructions.

Comments 1

  • Ok, two out of three of the products I bought from that were all Twisted Dynamics came without instructions.

    I realize that to the person(s) who are intimate with the product don’t need help, but to someone new to this product line of mods, we need help.

    Can I figure it out, probably, but it’s just bad customer service.

    Going forward, I will keep this in mind before spending my dollars there.

    -edit- I should have put this here before, but Jeff Welter contacted me here on the forums and gave me his cell number if I had questions about any of the installs, and SSO did get me instructions on the following Monday (had problems on a Saturday trying to install).