School Shootings

  • Hard to watch these uninformed boobs talking about the mechanics with a touch of imagination regarding firearms on the news as of late :00006725:
    I have no clue why we don't use the same open protection policies in place such as Israel :00007956:
    But you have to admit we are raising a rather dim witted generation of Americans in our public school systems. I mean, give me a break these kids are eating Tide pods and burning their arms on stove coils :00008862:
    God protect and watch over the normal kids and families out there :00000436:

  • Hard to watch these uninformed boobs talking about the mechanics with a touch of imagination regarding firearms on the news as of late :00006725:
    I have no clue why we don't use the same open protection policies in place such as Israel :00007956:
    But you have to admit we are raising a rather dim witted generation of Americans in our public school systems. I mean, give me a break these kids are eating Tide pods and burning their arms on stove coils :00008862:
    God protect and watch over the normal kids and families out there :00000436:

    Hey now... It's not just public... Private and charters have irresponsible, neglectful (in their own way) parents as well, causing these issues...

    Like someone else posted, some of these things are rare in low income schools because these kids are dealing with whether mom or dad will be home or in jail or passed out on couch from OD, or if there will be food on the table... They aren't crying for mommy's and Daddy's attention by shooting up schools or eating tide pods... Leave that to middle/rich America...

    #NotAShitholeProblems... ninja-squared

  • @MiM is right !! It appears to me that these urban kids are living in war zones killing each other in huge numbers. I may be wrong but as violent as these kids are I have never heard of one going in shooting up a school. After just a quick search I found in Chicago that since 2011 167 kids under 17 were killed and a staggering 1607 wounded. Is it not somewhat hypocritical that when we have a school shooting we start to have a huge national discussion on guns, mental health, background checks, etc etc etc.? Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country and it just appears to me that the left is always the first to scream “racist - gun control” and yet it is as if these young folks lives are not worth saving. Where is the Black Lives Matter movement on Chicago?? Why aren’t all these high school kids marching on Washington DC BEFORE Parkland on Chicago? Why are they not out screaming from the rooftops for something to be done there? This all plays into my theory that it is not a gun problem it is a societal problem. IMO kids in these urban neighborhoods are to worried about getting shot themselves to even think about going in shooting up a school. Adversely, these suburban, participation trophy, video game watching, spoiled not ready for the world cause mommy and daddy gave em everything, anti psychotic drug taking kids are shooting up schools. You ever hear about a major gang shootout in suburbia?? We have to look at the whole picture and address it accordingly - what I see in the news and current proposals is nothing more than window dressing. We have to do better and IMO more gun laws will not help - we have to reshape the younger generations thought processes!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • WHERE HAS THE COMMON SESNSE GONE ??? This is 40 miles from my house - we are fucked folks

    Math symbol flagged as gun sign sparks police investigation in Louisiana
    Published February 25, 2018

    Less than a week after the Florida high school massacre that claimed 17 lives on Valentine’s Day, police were called to a Louisiana high school after fears were sparked by a student drawing the square-root sign, the Ledger-Enquirer reported.

    Detectives launched an investigation on February 20 at Oberlin High School after students expressed concern during a math session that the standard symbol, which refers to a number multiplied by itself to produce a new quantity, resembled a gun.

    After several students reportedly made such a comment, one student – who was helping a classmate solve the math problem using the square root sign – said something that they may have interpreted as a “threat out of context,” prompting the involvement of authorities.

    The police did not specify what the comment was, but the student’s home was searched. No guns were found, nor was there any evidence that the student had access to guns or intended to carry out any crimes.

    Allen Parish Sheriff Doug Hebert later indicated that gossip among students had distorted the comment to make it sound as though the student was a potential threat, planning to bring a weapon to school with the intent on committing a mass shooting, the Ledger-Enquirer reported. The controversial comment made, according to Superintendent Michael Doucet, ran along the lines of “now let’s get to work before I shoot you with a pistol.”

    School officials have since concluded in its report that while “the student used extremely poor judgment” in making the remark, there was “clearly no evidence to support charges.”

    THIS REALLY REQUIRED A POLICE INVESTIGATION???? I am at a loss for words and that doesn’t happen very often ;(:00008359:

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • Put off post for several days because Iam not sure I want to get my dog in this fight. However, afterhearing the sermon in church I feel compelled to speak up and state my position on the matter at hand.

    • The fault begins in the family unit. That is to say if we had raised our children in the way they should go the problems of today would be far less. We have for the last two or three generations lost the control of our children. I am going to reference the Bible quite a bit because it is God's instructions on how we should live our lives. If that offends you then maybe you just need to skip to the next post, I make no apologies for who I am or my beliefs. The Bible clearly states that “you shall teach them the statutes and the laws, and show them the way in which they must walk and the work they must do.” (EX 4:11) That means the parents are to teach their kids in the manner in which they shall live. This does not say let the teachers take care of the problem. Teachers are there to teach the skills needed to earn a living in this world, not to teach the manner in which the child is to live. Praise them when they do good and punish them when they do bad, Set boundaries of what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. The Bible also states “He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him promptly”. (Pro 13:24) I see a major part of today's problem as the total lack of respecting authority. The authority of those over you, your parents, your teachers, the police. So what is the line where discipline becomes abuse. Many say the discipline becomes abuse when there is physical injury to the child (bruising, broken skin, swelling, or a need for medical attention) there are certainly other indicators of abuse that are not listed in any writings. Then there are the parents that are afraid of giving corrective direction to their child in public because they don't want to be turned in to some over reaching government inanity and lose the child to them. This is because the parent failed in the home environment to teach the child what is acceptable and what is not when in public I remember as a child I was raised in a non-christian home and I got my butt wore out plenty. Never any of the “wait til your father gets home” in my life, Mom busted my butt just as hard as Dad busted my butt. Sometimes I think they tag teamed me when I really needed it. And in public if I needed it.
    • It then fall to the schools and their lack of having any ability of doling out punishment. Again we don't want to hurt anybodies physique. The school board and parents have so hobbled the school authorities they do not have the ability to stop bad behavior and instill the correct behavior. The children spend a lot of time in school and should be held to a certain standard, the same if they were home under their parents authority. Now if you had done the job of raising your child as stated above you should have no problems in school for which your child would need correction.
    • Every child should have a mandatory service duty to the country. I know I was straightened out a lot in the service. The service is a wonderful place for a person to learn what does and does not work in life. What is acceptable and not acceptable. Now I should preface that to say a child that has been raised properly, not an out of control delinquent. It is humbling and rewarding at the same time if done correctly. It is also maybe the first place the child will meet the full force of the laws. In civilian life there are to many bleeding heart people (Judges, Lawyers, Jurors, over worked and understaffed Law Enforcement Agencies, and a whole host of give them a third, fourth, fifth, etc, chance to be good people. In the service you get one chance and if you fail it is time in the brig and possibly a dishonorable discharge that will follow you through life.
    • Now what do we do with our present crop of children that don't seem to have boundaries? The ones that messed up in the family unit, the school, the service, you know the ones that have played all the violent first person shoot everybody video games and have no respect for others. I sometimes think my older brother had the answer for that. He said that when you are born you are issued one hundred points for your life. Minor infractions of the law take away five or ten points, more serious infractions take away more points according to the severity of the infraction. DUI is maybe 35 points, rape is fifty points, murder is one hundred points. You get one chance at trial, no extended sentences to mount dozens of retrials. When you are out of points your hanged, or gassed which ever is appropriate in your state. The media does not make a big deal of your name and make you famous for your crime, just quietly and quickly dispatched and buried. I know it is not a perfect idea, but it is an idea that may have merit.

    I had better quit before I offend morepeople, or tell you how I really feel.


  • I dunno @LargeCar I am pretty far to the right and agree with a lot of what you say EXCEPT having spent a large potion of my life in the legal profession I have seen where the first trial outcomes are littered with everything from planted evidence to prosecutorial misconduct. I agree if it is a “smoking gun” situation with eye witnesses - justice should be swift and unforgiving on many crimes. On the other hand, if you or one of your loved ones were facing 100 pts and were innocent - I think you would find a lot of fault with your solution.

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • I dunno @LargeCar I am pretty far to the right and agree with a lot of what you say EXCEPT having spent a large potion of my life in the legal profession I have seen where the first trial outcomes are littered with everything from planted evidence to prosecutorial misconduct. I agree if it is a “smoking gun” situation with eye witnesses - justice should be swift and unforgiving on many crimes. On the other hand, if you or one of your loved ones were facing 100 pts and were innocent - I think you would find a lot of fault with your solution.

    Bill i agree it is a pretty harsh system, the hundred point system, and would have its faulty convictions. Did not mean to imply it was an answer to present times. However, it might be a start that could be pered down or modified to a small extent. Just thinking of the guy that had been in trouble most of his life and only had five points left. He would be afraid to leave home. Just food for thought, we gotta strat somewhere to turn around the generations of privileged kids.


  • Bill i agree it is a pretty harsh system, the hundred point system, and would have its faulty convictions. Did not mean to imply it was an answer to present times. However, it might be a start that could be pered down or modified to a small extent. Just thinking of the guy that had been in trouble most of his life and only had five points left. He would be afraid to leave home. Just food for thought, we gotta strat somewhere to turn around the generations of privileged kids.

    We gotta be careful - the libs might read this and put a contract out on us - I’m sure they would find a way to justify AR 15s in that case :00008172:

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • Ok - Imma throw this out there. The Broward County Sheriff is getting heat to step down. I know we got LEO in this discussion so are the allegations founded and should he or is this just politics looking for a scapegoat? My first thought is how can a Sheriff know exactly how every one under his command will react under fire?? Love to hear from those that are more in the know.

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • Great question.
    My thoughts are when he went political and made statements placing blame on others in the beginning, he opened himself up to the process of removal. After he made statements, we find the error chain was in his reach to break. He should be held accountable because he placed blame on others before the investigation was complete.

  • Ok - Imma throw this out there. The Broward County Sheriff is getting heat to step down. I know we got LEO in this discussion so are the allegations founded and should he or is this just politics looking for a scapegoat? My first thought is how can a Sheriff know exactly how every one under his command will react under fire?? Love to hear from those that are more in the know.

    The sheriff sets the culture for their department. After watching him speak all weekend I'm not sure he shouldn't resign. His statement that he is responsible for his department but not for what his deputies do is disingenuous and a clear attempt to save his own ass. I would like to know why his deputies (possibly four) waited outside while others went in. Does his department teach (As some here have stated) that they should stay back and wait for swat?
    Maybe someone can shed some light on how these deputies are trained and how they are selected for the SRO assignment.

  • @Slingrazorazor and @Red make good points. Having faced the media more than once and having to deal with all the questions (some of them very stupid) thrown at you, it is tempting to sometimes speak without having more facts. Yes, the Sheriff is in charge of his agency, yes m\he made some statements he should not have, remove him now...I'm not quite so sure at this point in time. Way too many aspects of what all the officers did or didn't do are still unknown.

    Keep in mind the Sheriff is elected, hence a politician. Lets see what his voters have to say.

    Just my .02

    I like poetry, long walks on the beach and poking dead things with a stick.

  • Having worked for a sheriff before joining the PD I retired from there is often a big difference. The sheriff I worked for had one priority getting re-elected. So much that he didn't allow his road officers to do traffic enforcement. They wouldn't work crashes because the person at fault might get a ticket. People don't vote for someone they're mad at.
    I agree that the whole mess needs to be investigated before anyone gets fired or removed from office. After seeing this guy on tv I have not doubt he will throw as many bodies under the bus as necessary to save his own ass.

  • OK, as a Sheriff, I don't give a rats a$$ about politics. My crew has a job to do and they will do it to the best of their ability. They write tickets all the time. Some get called in to me to see if I can "fix" it. I say bull sh*t on that. I'm not one of the good old boys that cover my butt. My question is always, how were you treated on the stop? Every time I'm told that the deputy was very professional. Then suck it up and pay the ticket or fight it in court. As far as a Sheriff losing their job because of an action that a deputy did, is a reach. If a deputy crashes a car, should the Sheriff be fired? If a deputy get a DUI, should the Sheriff get fired? If a deputy get any type of criminal charge, should the sheriff get fired? The first thing I would look at, would be the policies and procedures. What do they show, was the deputy or deputies following directions or just doing whatever? Need more info. If the deputy or deputies were following a direct order of the Sheriff, then yes, he is just as responsible and should step down. But again, need a lot more info then what's out there. My 2 cents!