• Ritchy from Boston has been eating to many Boston Baked Beans. He is full of gas, as shite. Anybody think maybe the size of the lens, or to port shaped window, may have an effect? And North America is not located in Indian Ocean below the African continent.


    PS Elvis bought a Slingshot just after I did, we ride together all the time.

  • several years ago I was completely deceived by what I thought was a real jet flying up the river toward me at a really low altitude in the early evening. It was still very light out. It was a plane shape that looked similar to a U2 type of body but it was different. I couldn’t wait for to get closer. It was also spewing out thick exhaust....the plane was all black.

    Before I saw the plane I was driving toward the building. I had to exit the expressway and make a left at the bottom of the ramp....when I got to the ramp stop sign....I looked up and to my right slightly over a hill that was there....in the sky I could see this smoky exhaust with orange sunlight reflecting off it. The exhaust was flickering and jumping slightly back and forth like a light switch was being flicked back and forth. There was no plane visible at that time the exhaust was cut off like it was sliced with a knife.

    So I drove up the road crossing the river and arrived at my destination. Which as the crow flies was about a mile and a quarter from the ramp.

    I was in the process of moving some equipment into a building I was parked behind. I had a complete unobstructed 180 degree view of the entire sky up and down the river....and in front of me. I came back out and it was getting closer....I Was really excited to see this plane pass in front of me...I made another trip in and back out....when I came out again I fully expected the plane to be passing my location.....

    Now the weird thing was the plane appeared out of nowhere....the smoke exhaust behind the plane was cut off like is came from the exhaust trail I saw over a mile away....

    This thing had jumped across the sky over a mile and was flying in the same direction as the exhaust I saw.

    It had completely disappeared....not only was the plane gone but the thick smoky exhaust was gone also....

    Had anyone said to me that plane looked fake I would have bet tons of money that I was looking at a very real jet.

    There is only one explanation to explain how the plane and the smoke exhaust had completely vanished...

    What I saw and the way it totally vanished along with the smoke exhaust could only have been a hologram projected from who knows where but my guess would be it was projected from the sky somewhere above. I think it was a test and the flickering was a malfunction that caused it to actually jump over a mile from where it started to where it vanished. The odd thing was there was no sound of a jet engine....

    I totally believe what I saw and I filed a MUFON report about it. After seeing that I can believe we can be tricked into seeing or made to believe we are seeing an actual real live event. I don’t know if anyone else saw what I saw.

    I know there will be many of you that will not believe this story... I have no reason to make up a story like this. I’m letting you know there is much going on that is being hidden from us.

  • Part of the problem is that the brain and eyes do not always communicate accurately. The brain will always try to make sense of what the eyes see even when that changes the actual perception.

    I just saw a recent news post .....

    This is the same thing that caused people in 2015 to debate whether a dress was gold and white or black and blue.

    The pictures of a road that looks like it's going in different directions but is really the same. The optical illusion occurs because the roads appear to converge at the bottom of the photos. However, this is not accurate and the images are in fact the same.

    And in case you're wondering: the dress ultimately turned out to be black and blue.

  • Looks like Elon Musk got the idea from the 1981 movie, Heavy Metal. Opening scene, but the :50 second mark is key.

    The Roadster in space is kinda neat, not your normal afternoon ride..

  • This is the same thing that caused people in 2015 to debate whether a dress was gold and white or black and blue.

    And in case you're wondering: the dress ultimately turned out to be black and blue.

    According to the Me Too movement, the dress was black and blue because it represents a woman being beaten.

    We need to stop beating up on BigDog...He's the most entertaining thing on this forum. Don't get frustrated trying to be logical, just go with the flow, see where it goes and enjoy yourself.

  • It’s our tax money not his....