DDMWorks Cyber Monday deals are ready!

  • @MiM take care of that little one

    Upgrade to blackberry brandy if you have to .... more for you than her but that was the go to medicine my grandparents would use a teaspoon when nothing else would work to let the kids sleep

    I'm no doctor, but I would think all that goop in her ear would just make things worse... :00008172:

  • Well guys, after a long couple of days with the littlest one struggling because of TWO ear infections (both ears!)... We finally made it home and I got a bit (emphasis on bit) time to myself...

    I just want to say that this forum and that last page of the @Ross 2018 calendar is really why I am here after initially buying the Sling... Why I have stuck around... The close-knit group of individuals here who have helped me in so many ways, whom I've learned from, whom I've traveled far to see, and have committed to meeting more of you, is just amazing...

    Whoever did this, whether just one or many, thank you! You obviously didn't have to... This wasn't a need--nothing for our Slings is--but something I would eventually purchase when the time was right. Those who are regulars here know that I tend to go "gently used" for budgetary reasons... When the chance came to buy this, a Slingshot brother and his family actually needed something to help with their hardships, so I chose what was important, rather than a want... Well I guess good deeds come back to you full circle... Enough of my rambling, point is... Pay it forward! Have Heart and you'll be surrounded by goodness.

    Thank you again! I hope they'll reveal themselves, so they can be on my definitely must meet and get a picture with list... :thumbsup: (and buy a drink!)

  • @MiM, I am glad that you finally opened your present! I had nothing to do with it, and I don't know all the details, but I knew *WHY* as it was unfolding. When @sideseatdriver published our two families in need this Christmas, one service member and one Sling family, you gave up your hard-earned stash of mod money that you were saving towards that tank, $125 in all if my memory serves me right, to give to someone else instead of using it for yourself. And so, it comes back around to you. And I just wanted to tell you publicly that it was a wonderful thing you did, and you deserve the recognition, and the gift.