Ok. It's not a new years resolution.

  • But I am going to have to drop some weight. My ankle had decided that it wanted to join my knee and back in protest. About 2 years ago I could fit into a 48" pair of blue jeans. Now I'm really not able to fit into a 54" pair of jeans.

    The last time I went on a diet about 5 years ago I lost 45 pounds and did it with the Atkins diet. Where you stop eating sugars. So I guess that is my future from now on.. I like eggs, meat, and cheese so the diet works for me. I guess I can eat my hamburgers without the bun for a while. :-)

    Anybody know any food that has no carbs to snack on besides pork skins???

  • But I am going to have to drop some weight. My ankle had decided that it wanted to join my knee and back in protest. About 2 years ago I could fit into a 48" pair of blue jeans. Now I'm really not able to fit into a 54" pair of jeans.

    The last time I went on a diet about 5 years ago I lost 45 pounds and did it with the Atkins diet. Where you stop eating sugars. So I guess that is my future from now on.. I like eggs, meat, and cheese so the diet works for me. I guess I can eat my hamburgers without the bun for a while. :-)

    Anybody know any food that has no carbs to snack on besides pork skins???

    @rabtech I have a friend that has been over weight all of his life and he would never listen to the not healthy lecture. Well, in the last two months he has gone from walking every day to a cane and as of this past Thursday he is using a walker, looking like he can barely go. Besides looking like he has put on a few more pounds. Bobby, please listen to what your body is telling you before it is to late. From one person that cares. The lecture is over.

  • Buddy...it's pretty simple. anything where fat intake is 1/2 the calories+ isn't good...Anything with a lot of saturated fat is REALLY BAD. Protein, low calorie breads, egg WHITES, MEATS, tuna etc are fine (seems you'll be good in that department)

    Body still needs carbs.. Having a plain bagel, granola bar, rice cakes, (40/60 cal) wheat bread & PB is all good. I like to dehydrate Pine apples, Yogurt, protein shakes, fruit (sugar) As other intakes. Body doesn't need a lot, just fuel ever 3 hours..

    My back hurts bad, I've learned to deal with it as My Sport specialist talked me out of back surgery. My left knee is my problem ( wear a compression fitting sometimes)-Helps. MY left elbow hurts. I have this new proclaimed rub on medicated cream (apparently the new thing-some insurances don't cover cause expensive) and I wear a compression fitting there as well. My thing is Im living in the past of 215, 3 1/2% body fat and ripped..Now Im 43 in shape, smarter with body, but still drive to hard. Im active so all is good. Yeah our bodies hurt, but health, exercise help. If people understand how to alter there bodies and work out correctly, can do wonders...

    Good luck..

    I Have No more toys, just memories.... :/

  • @rabtech

    loseit.com - the only way to really make it work is to watch and log everything you eat. After a short time you will change your eating pattern. A few years back I was 252lbs lost 65lbs in about 8 months roughly 2 lbs per week.
    I was diabetic with high blood pressure - now no meds at all. blood pressure is good not great.

    I also walk every day 1 hour in the morning 30-40 minutes in the evening about 5 + miles total, that is the trick for keeping your circulation good. Plus since I drag the dog with me his weight is back down to normal.

    You can do it brother - look at it this way, you could shave 60+ pounds of your sling and go faster.

    The more people I meet

    The more I love my Dog!

  • I went to 190 pounds at one time and I was miserable. It took one year of changed eating habits and changed brands of beer to get down to 152 pounds. 4 years ago I was staying at 165 pounds when the doctor tried to kill me and I lost 38 pounds. So far now I am staying around 145 pounds and feeling great. All new doctors and medical system now, and it was mismanagement of mediation.

  • @rabtech. If you do nothing more than to cut out all those soft drinks, I guarantee you'll drop a shitload (no pun intended) of weight. Start there and ease into cutting down on sweets and quantities. No need for fancy diets or gimmicks. My brother used to call it the SESMYFB diet :thumbsup: .

  • I should be able to knock the weight off if I switch to water and crystal lite fruit punch. I have been drinking a ton of cokes and Dr peppers. No more of them for me.

    I don't eat a ton of food. Heck I have days where I don't even eat anything except for maybe a pack of peanut butter crackers. But I have drank 12 to 18 Dr peppers in a day. That hurts.

    I think you've found the best starting place you can, personally. That, and light exercise to start with. Don't overdo that part of it...you hurt yourself, it'll be that much harder to get back into it when you heal.

  • Well, if you want someone to do the eat healthy to lose weight thing with, you have a diet buddy, just PM me if you want to.

    You have a lot of advice up above, and you probably don't need my $.02, but since you are such an awesome guy, you are going to get it anyways.

    Atkins is great for the short term. Your body gains an inordinate amount of water per carbohydrate it stores, so when you stop eating carbohydrates, and your body starts burning them, it releases the water that is stored as well, so the vast majority of the weight loss at the beginning of atkins is water weight, hence the reason it is so easy to gain back when you have stopped the diet. Atkins doesn't teach you to eat well, it just teaches you not to eat carbohydrates, which, as someone above mentioned, your body needs in the right amount. The other problem is that if you take in too few calories a day, you can actually teach your body to go into starvation mode at which point you will actually hold on to all of the fat in your body, so you need to make sure you are eating every day.

    A couple of things to think about - you can try one of the pre-diabetic diets, or even one of the paleo programs as you can find tons of recipes online and it will help you with the carbohydrate intake. The other thing you can do is go to a nutrition website and enter in your height, weight, and activity level, and have it tell you how may calories you need to take in to lose weight.

    **If you want to completely reset your eating on an established plan, you might want to try the Whole 30. It will SUCK for 30 days, but it works. It is then very easy to transition to either a paleo or "healthy eating" plan at the conclusion of the program.**

    For instance, for me, I have to intake 1200-1500 calories to lose 1-2 lbs a week. So every day I track my calorie intake to make sure I stay between those numbers. It sucks, and it takes time, but it works. As soon as I stop tracking, I get off my healthy eating and my plan goes to shit. The other thing you might want to look into is how much protein you actually need a day. I believe the standard serving size is 3oz of protein per meal, which is TINY when you actually measure it out. I do 100 grams per meal in order to meet my protein requirements. Since that is such a small amount, to meet my intake requirements, I have to add fruits, vegetables, and nuts. I eat eggs, but no dairy. The reason for the no dairy is because, technically, the adult body is not designed to digest milk and it serves as an irritant to mucus linings. Increased irritation is destructive to the cells, etc. etc. etc. And I know someone mentioned egg whites only, but the yolks of the eggs contain more beneficial nutrients than scientists originally thought (including anti-Alzheimers stuff)which outweighs the negatives of the cholesterol/fats.

    It also depends on your personality. If you are a "have to see the results right now" kind of guy, then atkins is the way to go, then slowly change your eating habits. If you are a "i'm doing this to get healthy so it can take a while" then changing your eating habits is the way to go.

    So if you want to do it the long, slow way, I could use someone to kick my ass and let me kick theirs in return.

  • I should be able to knock the weight off if I switch to water and crystal lite fruit punch. I have been drinking a ton of cokes and Dr peppers. No more of them for me.

    And he's off....? Im telling you there are some great tasting Protein shakes out there and fat burners. I'll tell ya those Slim fast skakes are good to! My wife use to get them and I would have one as a quickie.

    I Have No more toys, just memories.... :/